Thank you for trying Return to Castle Wolfenstein. For more information about the game, please visit the web site at If you would like to purchase a copy of the game, please visit to purchase it online, or look for the game at your local Macintosh software retailer.
Created: 12/04/2001, Modified 5/21/2002 for Macintosh version
Readme Contents:
1.> Error Message "Couldn't Load Default.cfg"
2.> Allocating Memory Using com_hunkmegs
3.> Uninstalling
1.> Sound Problems
1.> "Set Recommended" Menu Option
2.> Video Cards
3.> Multiple Monitors
4.> 16 Bit Color
5.> Problems Playing In 856 by 480 Widescreen Resolution
5a.> G4 PowerBook Screen Resolution
6.> Problems Changing Quality Setting In The Video System Menu
Refer to this document if you encounter difficulties with one or more aspects of installation or running the Return to Castle Wolfenstein game. Many of the problems commonly encountered are covered here.
If you try to run Return to Castle Wolfenstein and receive the error message, "Couldn't Load default.cfg", the game is basically telling you that it cannot find the "demomain" folder that is part of the installation for Return To Castle Wolfenstein. This error commonly occurs when the game application is moved out of the game folder.
The command com_hunkmegs is used to increase or decrease the size of memory used by the game. By default it is set to 56 megabytes (MB), which allows the game to easily run on computers with 128 MB of RAM. If your system has more than 128 MB of RAM, you can adjust this value to allow better performance.
For example: If you have a machine with 256 MB of RAM you can use the command \com_hunkmegs 92 to allocate more memory to the program. You do this by accessing the game console (press the ~ key), and typing in:
\com_hunkmegs 92
Then press Enter.
(Substitute the amount of memory that you would like to dedicate for the "92" in the example above).
NOTE: You should never allocate more than 3/4 (75%) of your total system memory. You may experience problems with your computer system if you do. If you have also increased the amount of memory being allocated for sound, make sure that the total of com_hunkmegs and com_soundmegs is not greater than 3/4 (75%) of your total system memory.
To remove the Wolfenstein demo from your computer, simply delete the Wolfenstein folder. Note, if you want to keep your saved games move the save folder from inside the demomain folder prior to deleting the Wolfenstein folder.
If you experience slow performance or audio hitches, you should lower some of your graphic settings. This is especially advised for users with 128 MB of RAM or on computers that do not meet the recommended system requirements.
If you continue to experience slow performance or audio hitches, you may want to consider altering the com_soundmegs variable in the game to increase the amount of system memory the game uses for sound.
For example, if you have a machine with 128 megabytes (MB) of RAM, you can use the command \com_soundmegs 32 to allocate more memory to the program. You would do this by accessing the game console (press the ~ key), and typing in:
\com_soundmegs 32
Now hit the Enter key.
(Substitute the amount of memory that you would like to dedicate for the "32" in the example above).
NOTE: You should never allocate more than 1/4 (25%) of your total system memory to the soundmegs variable. You may experience problems with your computer system if you do. This setting is also affected by your com_hunkmegs variable (which is 56 MB by default). If you have raised your com_soundmegs value and increased the com_soundmegs value, be sure that you are not using 100% of your system memory, as you might experience system problems by doing so.
A. When you start Return to Castle Wolfenstein, the game will automatically detect the speed of your system and video card. Based on this information, the recommended graphics settings are applied to the game to ensure you are getting the absolute best performance for your system. If you have changed your graphics settings and want to revert back to our recommended settings simply click the "Set Recommended" option in the "Options> System > Graphics menu. You should also re-apply the "Set Recommended" settings if you upgrade your hardware at any point.
For optimum performance, your game graphics will be set to recommended settings. To customize these settings go to the System menu inside the Main menu of the game. If you change settings, you can always reset the recommended settings by hitting the "Set Recommended" button from the Options/System menu.
ATI Technologies
Rage 128 - The game does not perform as well on this video card, it is not really powerful enough to meet the game's demands. However, you may be able to play the game at lower graphic settings.
Radeon - There is a bug in early versions of the drivers for OS X, that causes water and dynamic lights to display improperly. There is an updated ATI Driver available at that should take care of it.
Radeon 8500 - TruForm support is not currently available on the Macintosh due to a number of issues. So the toggle in the options menu dose not do anything. Full screen anti-aliasing does work. But it requires that you activate it from the console.
a. Open the console by pushing the tilde '~' key.
b. Enter the following at the console prompt: /set r_ati_fsaa_samples 4
c. Press the Return key.
d. Push the tilde '~' key again to close the console.
This will turn on 4x oversampling. You can turn it off again by setting the samples to 1.
If you are running a machine with multiple monitors and a separate video card for each monitor, you can choose which monitor to display the game on by holding down the Option key during game launch. There is a bug in Mac OS X 10.1 that will prevent the game from running on the second monitor.
This game is optimized for 32 bit color. Since most of the textures and art in the game contain a 32 bit color palette, playing the game in 16 bit color only displays half the color information, thus causing some loss in visual quality.
If your video card supports 32 bit color rendering then it is recommended that you use this setting in the game. To do this, simply access the options menu from within the game, go to the system portion and change the "Color Depth" to 32 bit and click the "Apply" button to initialize the change.
If your video card and monitor do not support this resolution then you will not be able to use it within the game. Please check with your video card and monitor manufacturer for more information on playing OpenGL games using the 856 by 480 widescreen resolution.
The quality setting in the video system menu allows you to cycle some predefined configurations ranging from high graphic settings to faster system performance. Your actual graphics settings (screen size, filtering, etc.) are retained properly when you quit out of the game. However, the name of the quality setting itself is not retained. So, if you set to Fastest, the button may be on High the next time you run the game (though your settings will still be at Fastest).
Some users at lower screen resolutions may have difficulty reading the text on the clipboards in the game. If you experience this difficulty, increase your screen resolution to a higher setting.
Your configuration and settings are stored in the Wolfconfig.cfg file. If you need to reset your configuration, you can delete this file, but it is better to chooose "Defaults" in the Options menu to reset everything.
You can keep custom settings in the autoexec.cfg file, that way if you have to regenerate the wolfconfig.cfg your custom settings will be retained.
People having problems with using a non-Apple mouse with the game (for instance, a multi-button mouse with a wheel) need to make sure that they have the latest version of the driver software for the mouse.
Contact the vendor/manufacturer of the device for information on the driver, most of them have web-sites where you can download the latest version.
Using a joystick or gamepad is not exactly recommended, but if you wish to try using one of these controllers, access the game console (press the ~ key), and typing this:
/set in_joystick 1
Then press Return, and press the ~ key again to close the console.
Demo recording is not supported in the game. The console commands for demo recording are still present, but when executed they will not yield the expected results.